Search for Records
You can search for records using different methods:
- Enter a unique identifier, such as a work order number, in the Fast Find field.
- Click Search on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Click the Browse Tab on most windows.
- Search from the popup window that opens when you click the ellipsis button.
Any of the search options apply to the module you have open; therefore, the field name selections change depending on the module. For records that have the Rental Rate Tab or the UDF Tab, these fields are included in the available search fields regardless of the Tab you have visible when you click Search.
Whether you use the toolbar or a selection window option, the search can be faster when you know a few details about the record.
Fast Find is available on windows that include a required, unique identifier such as a sequential number or one-of-a-kind name, for example, PO number or Building name. It is used to save clicks and keystrokes when you know all or part of the record identifier.
The window that opens when you click Search on the WebTMA toolbar has the same options as the window used to create custom queries for a module. This gives you the option to create a complex search and save it using the Advance Mode feature. At the same time, you are not required to do more than a simple search from the window. For example, if you know the number of the record, you can enter all or part of the number and review the records that match.
The Access by Repair Center Code field indicates users of the selected Repair Center can use this Saved query. It is not used as a search field. To search for a particular Repair Center, select Repair Center from the list of searchable columns in Simple Mode or from the Add Criteria grid if using Advance Mode.
Fast Find Search
Look for the Fast Find field on the Navigation pane above the Action Menu. You can recognize it by the magnifying glass icon. Simply enter a character string that is applicable to a record's unique identifier, such as a work order number, and get immediate results. Fast Find saves clicks and keystrokes when you know all or part of the record identifier.
The field is visible on windows that include a required, unique identifier such as a sequential record number or one-of-a-kind name, for example, PO number or building name.
Typically, only one field is eligible for a Fast Find search. Hold your cursor over the field for a tool tip that lists the field or fields that can be searched.
To use Fast Find:
- Type a character string in the field.
- Press Enter.
If you enter a complete ID, WebTMA immediately opens the record.
If you enter a partial character string, WebTMA returns a Fast Find popup window that lists all records that contain the character string anywhere within the ID. Locate the desired record on the Fast Find popup, and double-click the line to open the record.
Simple Toolbar Search
When you click Search on the WebTMA toolbar, WebTMA displays a Search Window in Simple Mode. Although you can name and save the search, a simple search is typically used once to find a record. The simple search allows you to select one field and make a quick search. Reminder: The Access by Repair Center Code field indicates users of the selected Repair Center can use a Saved query.
All search queries in WebTMA give you options of both field names and filter operation, such as "contains," "is equal to," "begins with," etc. If you set general search criteria in this simple mode, WebTMA returns results that match the criteria. By default, the Close Window check box is marked. If you want the Search window to remain open, clear the check box before opening a record in the list.
- Click Search on the WebTMA toolbar.
- Select the field name to search on.
- Select the desired filter operation.
- Add any qualifying information in the third field if needed. For example, if you are searching for an Alt Part that begins with 'A,' you would type the letter 'A' in the third field.
- Click the Find button on the Search Window.
- (Optional) Clear the Close Window check box if you want the window to remain open when you open a line item record from the search results.
- Double-click the desired record in the list to open the record, or use the Select button if your device does not support the double-click action.
Advance Mode Search
The Advance Mode button on the search window includes more criteria including a grouping option. You may choose to save this type of search if it is one you will use often. The Search Window popup is identical whether you click Search on the toolbar or create a custom query from a Browse Tab.
WebTMA displays a list at the bottom of the window with items that meet your search criteria. Be sure to clear the Close Window check box if you want to keep the list open and review a number of the records.
Criteria rows for the Advance Search can be grouped and ranked by hierarchy. Click the Add Group link to add child rows to form a criteria grouping. Use the up and down arrows to set the hierarchy of how group lines are processed. Click the Syntax Subtab to review the text of your criteria settings.
Reminder: The Access by Repair Center Code field indicates users of the selected Repair Center can use a Saved query.
Selection Window Search
When you click the selection window button adjacent to any field, the selection popup window opens. The listed data applies to the type of field and the filtering fields at the top of the window. To reduce the size of the list for a faster search, change the criteria in these fields and click the Find button.
To restrict the list even further, click the Advanced Mode button to add several criteria lines.
- Click the Add New Criteria link.
- Select the Column Name, Operator, and Value (if needed).
- Click the Update link.
- Repeat these steps to add more criteria.
- Click the Find button.
Selection Window Tree View
The selection window on the following windows displays in a tree view format.
Use the tree list in the left pane to filter the selections in the right pane. The listed data applies to the left pane selection.
Similar to the Selection Window Search, the fields at the top of the window can be used for additional filtering to reduce the size of the list.
Click the ellipses at the top and side of the right pane if you want to expand the list after filtering.