Repair Center Records - WebTMA 5

Repair Centers

The repair center is used as the central point of responsibility for assigned work. Repair center links are spread throughout the system. Some common examples of repair centers are: Facilities Maintenance, Physical Plant, Security, Grounds, and Information Services.

Data specific to one repair center is not available to other repair centers. For example, the Facilities Maintenance repair center provides the maintenance for buildings, rooms, and some types of equipment, and the Information Services repair center has other types of equipment in those same buildings and rooms. The repair centers share basic location records, but the equipment and tasks specific to each repair center are segregated.

In the Shared Locations diagram, Facilities Maintenance and Information Services perform work in the same locations, but each has its own designated equipment, tasks, and technicians.

Many facilities contain multiple work centers with different responsibilities and purposes. In the Separate Locations diagram, Repair Center 1 is responsible for maintaining Buildings 1 and 2. Repair Center 2 is responsible for maintaining Buildings 3 and 4.

WebTMA users can be linked to a repair center, and it is a required field on many windows.

Work Orders and Repair Centers

Work orders are identified and numbered by repair center. The prefix for a work order is the repair center code, such as PP-4233, FM-3782, or IS-2353. In these examples, PP represents Physical Plant, FM is Facilities Maintenance, and IS indicates Information Services.

You cannot delete repair centers that have been linked to other files; however, you can make a repair center inactive.

Repair Center Identity Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Identity Tab

This window displays the code selections, location information, and preferences for each repair center. Use this window to set the default types and priority as well as requirements for work orders created using this repair center.

Click the Preference Subtab to review or mark the preference check boxes.

Click the Billing Subtab for any information related to how the repair center billing is handled. The fields on the Repair Center / Billing Subtab are optional; however, if you use a standard charge rate for work performed by the repair center, you can specify it on this Subtab.

By default, the technician's charge rate applies to a work order. If you mark Override Technician Rate on the Repair Center Billing Subtab, the charge rate for the repair center is used. The override then requires a Default Hourly Rate. The Apply Multiplier check box is optional. If you override the technician rate for a repair center, work orders for that repair center use the default hourly rate to charge for work orders.

The Default Overage Account field applies only when the Work Order / Billing Info Tab has the Bill Fixed Cost radio button selected. If no accounts are populated for Overage Account on the Billing Info Tab, WebTMA populates the Overage Account field with the Work Order Repair Center's Default Overage Account if one has been specified. It is only applied when Bill Fixed Cost is selected on the Work Order.

If not using the Approval Routing System, mark the check boxes on the Legacy Authorization Subtab to set authorization requirements for the following:

  • Purchase Order
  • PO Change Order
  • Project Requisition
  • Purchase Requisition
  • Material Request

The Work Order Authorization check box found on the Preference Subtab described above is not part of Legacy Authorization.

How to Create a Repair Center Record

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records > Identity

NOTE: Before you add a repair center record, at least one time type (such as regular time) and one work order type (such as service call) must be established in Organization > Lookups. These are required fields for a repair center record.

  1. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Complete the required (color background) fields.
  3. Type the Location information such as address and phone.
  4. Select the Preferences desired for this repair center. The related topics define these options.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Repair Center Convert Requests Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Convert Request

Use the settings on the Convert Requests Tab if you want to automatically convert requests to work orders.  Be sure you have selected a WO Type on the Repair Center / Identity Tab. Otherwise WebTMA cannot create the work order. Note that if your organization uses the optional Auto Attendant module, this Tab is labeled “Auto Attend.”

If you designate the conversion as Time Based, only work submitted between the times shown in the Start Time and End Time fields causes a work order to auto-generate. For example, if some technicians are scheduled to work during hours outside of normal operation, the requests are converted to a work order automatically. On the other hand, if those same requests are submitted during regular working hours, the requests follow the usual request approval process and must be converted manually.

To print converted requests, mark the Auto Print check box and select a name in the Auto Print User field on the Identity–Preference Subtab. The Auto Print User field entry provides the system with information about the time zone applied to the conversion.

If the Client Info / Preference Tab specifies Force a Trade for Each Task, an entry in the Default Trade field is also required.

When the Approval Routing module is used in WebTMA, an additional Override Authorization check box appears on the Convert Requests Tab. Mark the check box if you want the requests to bypass the authorization process.

If the check box is marked, WebTMA converts the request directly to a work order without routing it for approval.

How to Set Up Automatic Request Conversion

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Convert Requests

To convert all work requests for the repair center automatically, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the Convert Requests Tab of the desired repair center.
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Check the Automatically Convert Request To Work Order
  4. Select the Default Priority for the work order.
  5. Select the Default Task Code.
  6. (Optional) Select the Default Trade.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

If you want to limit conversions to specific times, use these instructions:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 above.
  2. Check the Use Time Based
  3. Type the Start Time and End Time.
  4. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

If you want to use automatic print, use these instructions:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 above.
  2. Check the Auto Print
  3. Select a name in the Auto Print User
  4. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Repair Center Customer Survey Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Customer Survey Tab

Use the Customer Survey Tab to generate one of two types of work performance evaluations: print or online. Surveys apply to the Repair Center. Completed evaluations provide feedback to management about the performance of the technician and the quality of the work performed. The feature is optional. Use the fields and Subtabs on the Customer Survey Tab to set up the customer survey. Be sure to check the Enabled check box.

Work orders eligible for a survey are selected at the interval you specify. The interval is called the Trigger Quantity, such as every 50 work orders.

Print forms are enabled only if you type questions on the Text Subtab. The printed questionnaire generates only once, the first time you print a work order. Look to the Work Order / Identity Tab—More Info Subtab for the Last Print Date field. If the field contains a date, it indicates the survey has been printed and will not print again. The questions from the Text Subtab are included on this evaluation. If the work order is printed and given to a technician, he or she can leave it with the customer who completes the form and sends the hard copy back to the Repair Center.

To record printed form results, go to the Work Order record to enter the answers using the Survey Results link on the Action Menu. The Transactions > Quick Post > Quick Post Survey Results is another way to track the results.

The Action Menu on the Work Order and Project windows includes a Send Survey link to send an e-mail survey for the selected work order or project or to send it again. If the survey has been sent in the past, an alert gives you the option to re-send the survey or cancel the action. Once a survey is completed, it cannot be submitted again. If you re-send a link for a completed survey, the person who attempts to complete the survey will get an error.

If the Text Subtab is blank, the system looks to the Work Order Question or Project Subtabs. In Edit mode, select from questions set up in Organization > Lookups / Customer Survey. Project surveys are available in online format only.

If you use online surveys, the system sends an e-mail to the address on the transaction when an eligible work order or project is completed. The e-mail includes a URL link to the survey questions. If you wish to change the WebTMA e-mail format, you can customize the message from the Repair Center / WO E‑mail Tab–Customer Survey Subtab.

For those that have the iServiceDesk module, an iServiceDesk radio button is available for selection as the destination for the survey form. If your organization does not use the iSD module, the radio button is not visible. The default setting sends it to WebTMA.

If you use Range or Pass/Fail questions, you can also notify interested persons about low or failing rates.

Customer Survey Subtabs

Questions entered in the free-form field on the Text Subtab apply only if you print survey forms with a work order. Enter questions or any other text you want printed on the evaluation form. If you want blank lines included for replies to the questions, add them as part of the text since lines do not appear automatically on the printed form. See the next topic, How to Add Customer Survey Questions, for instructions.

Use the Work Order Question and Project Subtabs to select pre-defined questions for online surveys. If you want to change the order in which the questions appear on the form, you can use the Order # field to change the sequence. See How to Select Survey Questions below for instructions.

Project surveys are available in online format only. When a project is closed, WebTMA e-mails a survey link to the project requestor.

The WO Type Exclusion Subtab is used to exclude work orders for certain Type Codes from being included in the trigger quantity, for example, PM type work orders. For any type of work orders where a customer survey is not appropriate, add those types to the WO Type Exclusion Subtab.

 You have the choice of either a print or online survey. If you enter your questions on the Text Subtab, this is the only survey used regardless of whether questions are selected on the Work Order Question or Project Subtabs.

How to Add Customer Survey Questions

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Customer Survey Tab–Text Subtab

This topic applies to the Text Subtab only.

If you want to print the survey questions with the work order and use a manual delivery process, type the survey questions in the free-form field on the Text Subtab. The form prints one time only, the first time you print the work order.

If you add text to this Subtab, this is the only survey that will be applied.

From the desired Repair Center / Customer Survey Tab:

  1. Click the Text
  2. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Mark the Enabled check box.*
  4. Type the Trigger Qty. This tells the system when to print a survey form.
  5. Type the questions in the text field.
  6. (Optional) Insert lines for answers if desired.
  7. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

* Use the WO Type Exclusion Subtab to specify any work order Types, such as PMs, you do not want included in the work order count.

Survey Items Options

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Customer Survey Tab–Work Order Questions Subtab or Project Subtab

Add questions to the Work Order Questions and Project Subtabs to create electronic questionnaires.

Use the optional fields in the Survey Items section of the Customer Survey Tab to give your survey a custom title and to set filters for the records that are eligible to be included in a survey.

The filters are in addition to the Types that are disqualified on the WO Type Exclusion Tab.

If you want only certain work orders or projects to have a survey attached to them, click the down arrow in the Query field to select from all user-defined queries. This selection filters work orders or projects based on the parameters of the selected query.

The Has Cost check box is used to include only work orders or projects that have a cost associated with them.

The survey questions are created in a nested grid that gives you the option to create headings for different sets of questions. Section headings are not required; however, WebTMA inserts a No Section line in the grid to maintain the hierarchy. Your clients do not see the "No Section" phrase on the questionnaire.

How to Select Survey Questions

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Customer Survey Tab–Work Order Questions Subtab or Project Subtab

Create online surveys using the Work Order Question and Project Subtabs. Here you can select and view the pre-defined questions you want in your survey. The individual questions are created in Organization > Lookups / Customer Survey.

On the Repair Center / Customer Survey Tab in Edit mode:

  1. Click the Work Order Question or Project
  2. Complete the fields at the top of the window. Be sure to mark Enabled and add a Trigger Qty.
  3. (Optional) Click the Add Section link to give a title to this section of your questionnaire. The Order # indicates the sequence of the section.
  4. Click the Add Question link at the top of the grid.
  5. Mark the check boxes for the desired questions.
  6. Click the Add Selected button on the Add Question popup window.
  7. Click Save on the toolbar.

If you want to change the sequence of the questions, see the next topic.

How to Rearrange Online Survey Questions

Customer Survey questions appear in the order you select them. Survey Sections display in the order you create them.

If you want to change the sequence of appearance for either questions or sections:

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Select the Work Order Question or Project
  3. Click the pencil icon for the line you want to rearrange.
  4. Type the Order #
  5. Click the Update
  6. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

WebTMA arranges the lines in the appropriate sequence.

Repair Center Cost Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Cost Tab

The Cost Tab displays read-only data for costs incurred by the repair center.

This Tab includes both current cost data and totals for the previous two years.

Repair Center Trade Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Trade Tab

If your organization uses trades, you can select as many trades as applicable to be affiliated with a repair center. The same trade can be associated with more than one repair center.

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the Add Trade link at the top of the grid to open the Add Trade popup window.
  3. Mark the check boxes of the desired trades.
  4. Click the Save button on the popup window.
  5. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

To remove a line item from the window:

  1. Click Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Click the trash can icon next to the Code of the line you wish to remove.
  3. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

Repair Center WO Email Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / WO Email Tab

Similar to the window found at Admin / E-mail Settings, the WO Email Tab is used to:

  • Create custom e-mail responses
  • Suppress e-mail responses

This Tab applies specifically to work orders for the selected Repair Center.

Each Subtab on the window displays templates to create responses for different types of actions.

The Suppress Email check box at the upper right of each Subtab gives you the option to prevent the template from being used to send e-mail responses defined by the given Subtab.

Use the fields on the Create Reply Subtab for custom replies when a work order has been generated. This notice does not apply when a work order is converted from a request. Acceptance responses for converted requests are created from the Request Log Email‒Accepted to Work Order Subtab.

Use the Status Change Subtab to notify requestors about progress or changes concerning the work order, the Complete Reply for e-mail notices about job completion, etc.

Note that the Complete Reply Subtab has two Tabs: Accepted from Request and Other. Replies are used based on whether the original request came from the Request Log window or another source.

The custom message on the Customer Survey Subtab is sent after a work order is completed. This message is sent based on the settings you have made on the Customer Survey Tab. This Customer Survey Subtab is the only email Subtab on this window that includes an expanded Formatting toolbar that allows you to enhance the appearance of the message to your customers. The formatting toolbar only on this Subtab includes options to change and modify fonts as well as justify text (left, center, right, full), change letter color, use a highlight color, copy, and paste.

You have the option to use some, all, or none of the Subtabs.

Repair Center Task Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Task Tab

The read-only Tasks Tab displays tasks assigned to the repair center from Organization > Tasks > Records / Repair Center Tab.

Repair Center Work Orders Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Work Orders Tab

Use the read only Work Orders Tab to review a list of work orders for the repair center. The default view is to the Open Subtab. This view shows work orders that remain open.

Click the Closed Subtab for a list of the work orders that have been closed, i.e., the work order Identity Tab shows a value in the Completion Date field.

This is a read-only window, and the lists apply only to the selected repair center.

Notification Tab

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Notification Tab

Information on the Repair Center / Notification Tab comes from the Notification & Escalation module that monitors critical work orders and follows up with notices to supervisory personnel and technicians to assure prompt completion of a job.

The Tab displays the Notification and Escalation settings for the repair center.

Linked Accounts Tab (Enterprise Only)

Path: Organization > Repair Center > Records / Linked Accounts Tab

This feature is available in WebTMA Enterprise and is similar to Admin > Client Info / Linked Accounts. When used, each Repair Center can track expenditures and collections for Freight, Markup Recovery, and Discounts in year-to-date (YTD) Accounts. This is accomplished using the fields on the Linked Accounts window.

Set up global (Admin > Client Info) and/or the individual Repair Centers with Linked Accounts. If both are set, costs roll up during Post Charges for Purchase Order and Project Requisitions. During Receivings, costs roll up to accounts entered in the fields on this window. The Accounts are set up in the WebTMA Accounting > Accounts window. You can use a separate Account or the same Account on multiple Linked Accounts.

If a global setting is also established, WebTMA first looks to the Repair Center. If no account is available or the transaction is not linked to the Repair Center, costs roll up to the accounts listed on the Client Info / Linked Accounts window.

Changing or unlinking an Account that has amounts in it will not zero out the Account. Amounts cannot be moved from a Linked Account to other Accounts.

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