Contract Device Type Tab

Path: Organization > Contract / Device Type

The Device Type Tab is used to automatically assign a Contract to new Biomed Equipment if certain parts of the Contract and the new Biomed record are a match. You may add as many Biomed Device Types to this Tab as needed.

Device Type Tab Details

When new Biomed Equipment records are created, WebTMA automatically assigns the Biomed Equipment to the appropriate Contract when all the following criteria are true:

  • The Device Type of the new Biomed Equipment is listed on the Contract / Device Type Tab.
  • The Repair Center for the new Biomed Equipment and the Repair Center for the Contract match.

In the case of multiple Repair Centers for the new Biomed Equipment:

  • WebTMA uses the Preferred Repair Center, if present.
  • If only one Repair Center, the listed Repair Center is used.
  • If no Preferred Repair Center is present and multiple Repair Centers are designated, WebTMA does not match the Biomed Equipment to a Contract.

How to Add Device Types to a Contract

On the Device Type Tab of the desired Contract:

  1. Choose Edit on the WebTMA toolbar.
  2. Select the Add Device Type link at the top of the grid to open the Device Type Selection flyout.
  3. Mark the check box(es) adjacent to the applicable type(s). You may add as many Biomed Device Types as needed.
  4. Choose the Add Selected button.
  5. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.

When a new Biomed record is created for a Device Type listed on this Tab and all other criteria are met, the Contract is automatically assigned to the new Biomed Equipment record.

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