Contract Rate Tab (WebTMA Plus Only)

Path: Organization > Contract / Rate Tab

The Rate Tab is only visible to WebTMA Plus users.

The Position-Based Rate Charges feature calculates labor charges when negotiated rates are used. The position-based calculations can differ based on the shift as well as the position. These charges use an assigned rate instead of a mathematical calculation applied to a fixed fee.

Rate Tab Details

The Contract / Rate Tab uses the Position Type created in Lookups / Positions, but any rates for that Position record do not transfer to the Contract record. Information found in some of the fields in Lookups / Positions do not apply to Contracts in the same way they do for other windows such as Work Order and Repair Center. For Contracts, the shift, rate, etc. must be entered on each Contract record for every position added to the Rate Tab.

How to Add Contract Positions and Rates (WebTMA Plus)

Path: Organization > Contract / Rate Tab

To add positions and the related rates affiliated with a Contract, use the following instructions in Add or Edit mode.

First populate the Rate Tab with the personnel (name and position):

  1. Choose the Add Position link on the Rate Tab to open the Contract Position Entry flyout.

  2. Select the Technician and Position. Note: The Position field drop-down list is filtered by the logged in user’s Repair Center access AND the contract’s Repair Center.

  3. Choose the Save or Save & Add button on the flyout.

Again, on the Rates Tab, expand the Rate tier for a position:

  1. Choose the Add Rate link to open the Contract Position Rate Entry flyout.
  2. Select the Time Type and Shift.
  3. Enter the Rate for this position/shift. This is the charge rate used to calculate the Charge amount for labor and is chargeable to the client. The Rate may include special markup or other loading.
  4. (Optional) Enter the Cost that is used to calculate your Cost for labor, i.e., the amount used to track actual cost to perform maintenance. This can include the actual hourly rate paid to the Technician or another amount.
  5. (Optional) Mark the Use Cost check box. If marked, the Cost you entered is used to calculate labor charges. When unchecked, the Rate is used for both the Cost and Charge rate for labor charges calculations.
  6. Choose the Save button on the flyout.
  7. Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
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