The Auto-Schedule Rule window is available only with the optional Auto Attendant module. Use the window to create rules that are applied to automatically schedule Work Orders.
At least one Repair Center must be linked to a rule before it can be saved.
Auto-scheduled Work Orders can have more than one rule applied to them. The rules are sensitive to both the day of the week and the time of day.
Throughout the application, the rules look to settings on Related Window for Auto Attendant described in such as Tasks, Request Log, and Repair Center. Many of the Tabs and fields on these windows are visible only with the Auto Attendant module. See Auto Attendant WebTMA 7 for the full list.
Zones and Auto-Schedule
When creating Auto-Schedule Rules, you have the option of selecting Tasks that apply to Zones. If the selected Task is marked Zone Related, do not add Technicians to the rule since Technicians are already assigned to the Zone. When you add a Zone-related Task, WebTMA automatically populates the Zone Related check box on the Task line of the rule. WebTMA only assigns a Trade to non-Zone related Work Order Tasks. See Auto-Scheduling and Zones Window for more information about Zones and Auto Schedules.
Auto-Schedule Rule Fields
Only a few fields on the Auto-Schedule Rule window are required; however, the list below can help determine if you need to complete other fields.
How to Create Auto-Schedule Rules
Path: Admin > Auto-Schedule Rule
Use the Auto-Schedule Rules window to add times, days, Tasks, Trades, and Technicians to a scheduling rule.
In Add or Edit mode:
- Complete the General Information Section as needed. See Auto-Schedule Rule Fields above to determine which fields are needed for your purposes.
- Choose the Add Task link in the Task Section.
- Mark all Tasks desired, and choose the Add Selected button on the flyout.
- (Optional) Select the pencil icon to add a Trade or change the Task.
- (Optional) Choose the Add Technician to Selected Non-Zone Related Tasks link to add multiple Technicians, or click the right arrow on a line to use the Add Technician link.
- Choose the Repair Centers Tab to add at least one Repair Center.
- Select Save on the WebTMA toolbar.
Reminder: Technicians are not eligible for assignment to Zone related Tasks. See Auto-Scheduling and Zones Window for complete information about Work Orders and Zone Tasks that do not have a Trade.
Multiple Trades
Although new Work Orders created in WebTMA 7 only allow one Trade per Task, data converted from WebTMA v. 5.x may have multiple Trades for some Tasks. Information in the following paragraphs applies only to converted data.
To accommodate older data, the converted records will display all Trades previously assigned to one Task for an existing rule. These records display in the Trade column of the Task Section of the Auto-Schedule Rule window. Each Trade is separated by a comma. In View mode, click the yellow magnifying glass icon to open the Edit Task flyout. Click the Information icon
beside the Task Description to see a read-only list of the Trades on the Multi-Trade Selection flyout that shows all the saved Trades.
In Edit mode, click the yellow magnifying glass icon to open the Edit Task flyout. Click the Information icon
beside the Task Description to open the Multi Trade Selection flyout where you can add or remove Trades for the Task. Be sure to click Save on both flyouts as well as the window itself when you make changes.