How to Create Item-Related Work Orders - WebTMA 5

Path: Transactions > Work Order > Records / Identity Tab

When you select an item number, the system populates fields associated with the item such as the location.

If the item is not currently in its assigned location, you can select or type a different location. This tells the technician where to find the item currently. It does not change the item record itself. This is useful for equipment items that are used in several areas of the facility but have a fixed location recorded on the equipment record.

The tabbing order of windows is down the first column and then down the second. Most of the required fields are in the first column.

  1. Open the Work Order window.
  2. Click Add on the WebTMA toolbar.
  3. Click the Select Item down arrow. If you click the ellipsis ellipses_button.png button, the Equipment selection window is unique. 
  4. Select the appropriate item, i.e., click the down arrow in the adjacent field to open a selection list of codes such as Equipment, Asset, Entity, etc.
  5. (Optional) Change the location if the item is not currently in its usual place.
  6. Complete the work order required fields.
  7. Complete as many elective fields as possible.
  8. Add a Task.
  9. Click Save on the WebTMA toolbar to save the record.

When work orders are created for a particular item, costs and other information are rolled to the record for that item.

NOTE:  To maintain the PM status of auto-generated PM work orders, do not change the item on these work orders. WebTMA alerts you if you attempt to save such changes with a message saying, "Changing work order type, item, or task code will disconnect from the PM Schedule and affect reports. Do you wish to proceed?" 'Yes' clears the PM information from the work order. 'No' discards changes.

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