Path: Admin > Form Attributes > Service Request Portal – Forms / Submission Tab
When you click the Plus button for Forms on the initial Request Forms page, the first page that opens is the Service Request Form / Submission.
The Submission Tab shows twelve columns. While the same number of columns are always visible when creating a form, the different formats are limited. For example, a tablet only accommodates eight columns, and a mobile phone only has four. The full twelve columns are used for a desktop. If you design for a desktop, the system automatically adjusts the layout for the other formats. See View Mode Buttons in Form Actions for how to preview your work in each format.
The URL below the page title is the link to your request window.
Block Palette
The block palette at the right is topped by a search field. Use it to locate names with the character string you enter. The blocks are organized by function, such as Form Attributes, Requestor, Location, and Additional. Scroll down to see them all. To add a block to your design, simply drag-and-drop to the Form. You can rearrange and delete as needed. The same blocks can be used more than once.
When you drag-and-drop from the block palette, the page adds a new line. As you add more blocks, the page continues to add a blank line between each block. These lines between rows are for design purposes; they give you an easy way to add additional blocks as you modify your design. This avoids having to take an extra step to insert a new line. See Edit Blocks in Form Actions for details about how you can customize the blocks or change text and settings.
NOTE: Be sure to include a REQUESTOR EMAIL block so the requestor can receive confirmation and updates.
Form Buttons
Most of the block of buttons at the upper right are the same as the Theme Buttons (Publish, Revert, Duplicate, and Delete); however, the Form page has one additional button, the User Access button used to set Anonymous Access.
The Form Designer has buttons that allow you to preview your design. See View Mode Buttons in Form Actions for more information.
Anonymous Access
Click the User Access button to identify a form for Anonymous users. When you select the User Access button, the User Access Form popup window opens.
On the User Access Form popup window, select a record that you have created in Admin > User Management and marked as Anonymous Access Only. This is a record with a false name because the "user" cannot log in to WebTMA. It is used to provide data access to anonymous forms.
How to Create a Service Request Form
From the Request Forms Submission Tab:
- Click the Plus button in the Forms section.
- Name the Form.
- Select a Theme.
- Choose Create.
- Click Ok to open a blank page where you can drag-and-drop blocks to create your Form.
See SRP Form Actions for information about editing and linking blocks.
REMINDER: The Form is saved to the database, and you can see it listed while you work, but it is not available to anyone else until it is published. When you are ready for others to see and use the Form, click the Publish button.
How to Publish an SRP Form
As stated previously, your design is saved to the database, but only you can see it until it is published.
When you have completed your design:
- Open your design.
- Click the Publish button.
If you have included all the required fields, your Form is now available to all.
When a requirement is missed, you will see a reminder similar to the following screenshot.